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Video Bunuh Diri Politisi Amerika Budd Dyer ( Ngeri ! )

On January 22, 1987 R. Budd Dwyer the State Treasurer of Pennsylvania held a press conference the day before he was to be sentenced for his conviction on charges of conspiracy, mail fraud and racketeering. After a rambling speech he pulled a .357 Magnum revolver from a manila envelope, put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. With camera’s flashing and video rolling Dwyer ended his life with one bullet. The video made from the TV broadcast soon spread and became a legend. Even without the Internet, millions saw the suicide on either private tapes passed from person to person or "Faces Of Death" type commercial videos. Micheal Moore even included the clip in his movie against gun violence, Bowling for Columbine. The band Filter, one of many groups who paid tribute to Dwyer, wrote a hit song called, "Hey Man, Nice Shot"
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